Friday, March 4, 2011

Ojai Pixie Tangerines!

The season you been waiting for is coming this week:  Ojai Pixie Tangerines!

Savor the tasty, delicate treat of tree-ripened fruit bursting with sunshine-sweet flavor and juice. This seedless variety is the result of open pollination of Kincy, King and Dancy mandarins. Popular backyard trees in Ojai California, they bear small to medium-sized citrus, having pebbly textured, yellow-orange rinds with loose skins that peel easily. The segments separate neatly for a quick snack, making them a great choice for eating out of hand.

Try this Pixie Tangerine Cake recipe:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rhubarb is back in Season!

Although generally eaten as a fruit, Rhubarb is a vegetable, botanically speaking. Of the two basic types of Rhubarb: hothouse and field grown, . Look for Hothouse Rhubarb o have pink to pale pink stalks, while field grown Rhubarb  characteristically has cherry-red stalks.  Delicious in sauces, jams and desserts, Rhubarb is best known for its combination with strawberries. Because of its intense tartness, Rhubarb is generally combined with a considerable amount of sugar.  Hot House season is Feb and mid March.  Field grown is mid March to October.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seedless Lemon - Great Idea!

These lemons are a Natural Hybridization of a lemon that grows without producing seeds.    Initially, the seedless lemon crop was used only in restaurants looking to reduce waste and time by using seedless lemons.  Now, their unmistakable lemon flavor is available to everyone thanks to Melissa’s!   

Lemons are found in many tropical cuisines around the world and are a definite universal fruit.  A squeeze from Melissa’s Seedless Lemon will enhance the flavor of many dishes including chicken, fish and vegetables, and soups without the hassle of picking out seeds. 
Also add Seedless Lemon slices to marinades, sauces, and fruit salads.
A squeeze of lemon without the seeds speeds up prep time and enhances the flavor of many dishes including chicken, fish, vegetables and soups. Seedless lemons are available year round to add juice and zest to marinades, sauces and even used to retain color and add zing to fruit salads.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ojai Kishu Mandarines

Cute, small, sweet and juicy.... making them a perfect snack for young children. They are the size of a walnut, They are available January through mid March, the season for these small citrus continues to increase with time and consumer demand for them!

More information and recipes:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sour Oranges for the Season

This winter season has been the most requested for Sour Oranges.  This variety is popular because foodies are getting back to canning and perserving this fruit in particular.

The most popular variety of Sour Orange are the Seville, many used for making jellies and jams.

More information about Seville Oranges:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tarocco Oranges - Now in Season!

Tarocco oranges are named for their deep pink or red-streaked flesh. Their thin skins may have a red blush also, but often times do not. Although native to Sicily, Melissa's Tarocco Oranges are now being grown in California. These citrus fruits are easy to peel, have very few seeds, and are richly flavored with a hint of sweet berries. Smaller than an average orange with slightly rougher skin, Melissa’s Tarocco Oranges are juicy and best when eaten fresh. These oranges are also popular for use in cooked sauces, providing an excellent flavor when used on meat and fish, vegetables, rice and salads.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Signs of Spring

For most people, spring isn't a concept they are dealing with right now.. it seems that most are in the middle of a strong winter season.. but already in California we are seeing signs of spring!

Most recently Spring Garlic has appeared to be available now... So can this mean that spring is coming or just luck has California and is just giving a break from colder weather and rain?

Time will only tell..

More information about Spring Garlic: