Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seedless Lemon - Great Idea!

These lemons are a Natural Hybridization of a lemon that grows without producing seeds.    Initially, the seedless lemon crop was used only in restaurants looking to reduce waste and time by using seedless lemons.  Now, their unmistakable lemon flavor is available to everyone thanks to Melissa’s!   

Lemons are found in many tropical cuisines around the world and are a definite universal fruit.  A squeeze from Melissa’s Seedless Lemon will enhance the flavor of many dishes including chicken, fish and vegetables, and soups without the hassle of picking out seeds. 
Also add Seedless Lemon slices to marinades, sauces, and fruit salads.
A squeeze of lemon without the seeds speeds up prep time and enhances the flavor of many dishes including chicken, fish, vegetables and soups. Seedless lemons are available year round to add juice and zest to marinades, sauces and even used to retain color and add zing to fruit salads.

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